10 May 2009

Our choice to take bespoke men's shirts to the 21st century

After realising that an off the shelf solution was not available for a store that will handle sales and ongoing management of bespoke men's shirts. We decided to start our own development of a website www.greenandjacks.com

I am not a technophobe but I was not aware of the various technologies available to us let me share a few things with regards to platforms that I learnt.

.Net Infrastructure - Uses the Microsoft platform and we soon realised that it has the following disadvantages. All developments have to done from scratch ie no code sharing, hard to find people, requires licensing and requires hosting specific to .net

LAMP - this stands for Linux, Apache, My Sql and PHP. This is open source scalable and so far we have found this to be very flexible as well. The other advantages includes a large community of supporters, no licensing restrictions and widely available hosting.

So we started our journey to build our website. We received bids from several companies and we decided to work with the LAMP architecture. It took us more than 12 months to transalate all the work from our workshop to the internet this would prove to be a herculian task since we estimated this at just 3 months! it was the typical over budget and time scenario like most IT projects. From now on I will post on areas that I know more about ie fashion.

Bespoke Men's Shirt Maker London

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